One of the most wonderful things about the
internet is all the fantastic people you meet.
I have been so fortunate in getting to know a number
of ladies who have helped to make my days
brighter and who have brought sunshine
into my life when my day was dark and dreary.

The first two ladies on this page
are very special to me.
One is my daughter-in-law and the other one is my sister-in-law.
I love these two ladies to pieces and am so
glad that they are in my life.

Please click on their names to visit their webpages.


These ladies I met on the net
in Diettalk, my first experience in a chat room.
Because of these ladies I was able to have such a positive

Some of these ladies have webpages.
You can click on their name to go and visit them.



My next introduction to Ladies on the web
came from a group I joined called
Ladies of the Heart.
Some of these ladies have really stayed in
my heart and I realize how much they
have influenced my life on the net.

Click on their names to visit their pages.



This next group has such a very special spot in my heart
for many reasons.

They are a part of my "now" weblife
and have also taught me much about sharing and caring.

Please click on their names to visit their home pages.




All graphics on this page are property of Lady Sunny.
Graphics and Page Layout by Lady Sunny.
Please do not take without permission.

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